Why Are Annual Audit Services Important For Your Association?

Annual audit services UAE is important for your association for three reasons. A financial audit is a comprehensive review of an association’s financial books and also records typically required by its declaration.

A Formal Check Of Financial Records And Procedures

As a board member, all financial decisions must be made in the association’s best interest, including exercising reasonable business judgment.

An audit aims to provide reasonable assurance so that financial statements prepared by the association’s treasurer, management company, or bookkeeper are present fairly.

The Report Identifies Weak Areas In Accounting Procedures

An audit will reveal noncompliance with statutes, a lack of cost-effective income strategies, and liabilities that could influence future finances.

Additionally, it will note if there is an insufficient repair and replacement fund, disclose an area of exposure, and analyze the cash flow of funds and any resulting shortages that an investment program could cover.

It Fixes Financial Problems

You are responsible for ensuring the association’s financial interests are secure and beneficial to the community as much as a board member.

The yearly audit can reveal issues with financial management. And an auditor can suggest ways to modify procedures and improve an association’s financial management operations.

Is your association subject to regular audits? If yes, contact Accounting Consultancy in Sharjah!

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